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This file contains only 3D Print files.


I've been working on this major project most of this year, which has posed significant engineering challenges. Despite its seemingly simple appearance, this panel required a lot of effort. What sets it apart from other panels is the inclusion of fully functional Rotary and slew switches, as well as a lockout feature for the auto-brake knob.


There is some serious engineering going on in the back of this unit. This is mainly due to the slew switches and the return to the centre function. The switches allow two modes of slew: 20-30 degrees left and right, which allows for a slow slew, and 50-60 degrees left or right, which allows for a fast slew. 


The unit can even be illuminated using the backlighting box.


It's important to remember that if you opt for 3D-printed versions of the liteflow panels, the backlighting will be minimal or nonexistent compared to laser-engraved panels available here.

737SS Autobrake Panel

  • 1. Workspace Setup:

    • Ensure the workspace is well-ventilated to disperse any harmful fumes or particles.
    • Maintain a clean and organized area, free from clutter that could cause accidents.
    • Keep a fire extinguisher nearby and know how to use it.

    2. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE):

    • Wear safety goggles to protect your eyes from UV radiation and debris.
    • Use gloves when handling raw materials and finished prints to prevent skin irritation and burns.
    • Consider wearing a dust mask or respirator to avoid inhaling any fine particles.

    3. Equipment Handling:

    • Follow the manufacturer's instructions for setup and operation.
    • Regularly inspect the printer for any signs of wear or damage.
    • Do not leave the 3D printer unattended while in use.

    4. Material Safety:

    • Store materials in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight.
    • Ensure that you're using materials compatible with your 3D printer.
    • Be aware of the potential toxicity of certain materials and handle them with care.

    5. Post-Processing:

    • Allow printed objects to cool before handling them.
    • Use appropriate tools for post-processing to avoid injuries.
    • Keep the workspace clean by regularly disposing of debris and waste materials.

    6. Emergency Procedures:

    • Know the location of the nearest exit and first aid kit.
    • In an emergency, such as a fire or chemical spill, follow the procedures established for your workspace.


Pilot Spanner.jpg

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Mill Road,



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