I've been working on improving this design for a while now, aiming to meet my high standards for release. After several weeks of prototyping and refining, I finally achieved a breakthrough when I switched from filament printing to resin prints. Through almost 50 different prints, I arrived at the final release. The resin prints offer a perfectly smooth finish, resulting in a smooth button press. Additionally, the tactile switches fit seamlessly into the back of the design.
The newest version of this product has a custom PCB that simplifies assembly. Instead of using wires, there are two sets of header pins that connect the units. This gives the product a polished and streamlined appearance.
This Korry-type switch is similar to the KD2 switches I usually use for the MCPs, and the dimensions are very similar, but will not fit in the hole for KD2 switches. This button/switch offers two different colour LEDs without any light bleeding into the other led section. Two 6x6x7mm tactile led switches provide this dual colour function.
This should make any DIY panel or MCP look fantastic, with the high-quality laser-etched text lit independently with the dual led.
We now offer several packages to help you get the parts for your build:
1) 737 MCP lens set only.
Fourteen button lenses on 2mm white acrylic, Painted black and laser-etched with the details. (*See Note. You print the button parts and place the purchased lenses into your printed parts)
2) 14 MCP Lenses & Resin Printed Cases.
We offer the 14 Laser etched Lenses and the resin-printed button parts for that high-quality finish that promises the tactile switches will fit into the parts perfectly and provide an almost perfect finish. Each case is supplied with
a custom PCB (to be assembled by yourself) and two M2 x 5mm screws to assemble the unit.
3)The Complete Set - DIY Build Kit
All the parts ready to be assembled by yourself, This includes the 14 laser-etched lenses, cases with custom PCB, screws, Tactile LEDS, and Header pins.
4)Fully Built Set
14 MCP Korrys are ready-built. Just connect the wires and resistors to get started.
* The design files (CAD) and STL files for the button itself can be purchased here:
Depending on which option you select, you may require two 6x6x7mm tactile LEDs (One White, one Green).
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PriceFrom £14.00

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