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This 384 page digital file contains the Build Guide and Plans for creating your own Boeing 737 Simulator by Karl at The file contains:


  • 737 MIP Box Structure
  • 737 MIP Panels
  • 737 MIP Support Structure
  • 737 MIP Knee Panels
  • 737 FMC Console
  • 737 Glare-Wings
  • 737 Glare-Shield
  • 737 Front Windows
  • 737 MIP DXF Files for laser cutting and etching. (Thanks to Brad Heller)


This digital document has more detailed plans than on the website, a step by step guide for each build part, and hints and tips to help you in your build. It describes the changes from the real aircraft, and why they made. This was a massive undertaking and has taken months to compile. From new drawings, introducing all the build amendments and creating all the graphics.


This guide concentrates mainly the woodwork & 3d printing aspects of the cockpit build. For wiring, which depends on software, interface cards and your own build, please refer to the website for reference.


If you decide to buy this file, I really hope this helps and guides you along your sim build. These are my designs and plans and they have all been proven by my own build (sim3). I will always update the files when somebody asks a question that is not in the document or may help others, to which i will reissue the document to those who have already bought the guide.


One of the many questions I get asked about building the cockpit, " Is why i went away from the external skin/shape of the aircraft (like in SIM1) looking like the real aircraft to the more basic design?" This was done, mainly because of my real-life occupation as an Avionics/Aircraft Engineer. After building the real external shape of the cockpit in sim 1, adding the avionics afterwards was a complete nightmare, pretty much like the real thing. Having all the external sides open allows for ease of maintenance and the addition of wiring/avionics very easily. However, the inside of the aircraft is as close as I could get it to the real thing without actually having a Boeing 737 to reference to on my driveway!

Boeing 737 Complete Front Section (MIP) Build Guide & Plans

SKU: 737FS012020
£9.87 Regular Price
£5.00Sale Price
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