It's been two years since the start of Covid, and we have barely seen it here in Brunei. Then it arrived in force.
Our daughter was sent home from school after being notified as a close contact. She was told to isolate and developed a slight runny nose 5 days later and tested positive on day 5.
My wife Helen then developed Covid a further 5 days later. Once again my family went into isolation.
Another 5 days later, the virus decided to give me a go and see how I would react. Both my wife and I have huge headaches and find it hard to concentrate. We are both extremely tired too. This is the reason for this post. We are getting lots of emails, questions and requests to change designs.
We are not up to the task right now and if we haven't returned your email, chat etc, hopefully, you will understand. We will try and catch up once we feel up to the challenge!
Im off to lie down.......again!
Best Wishes, Karl & Helen.
Wishing you and your family all the best and fast recovering sir.
Take care over there Karl and family. Know the feeling also these days ...
So sorry hear the bad news, hope you all get over this real soon. We lucky here in the Philippines as transmission rates are currently very low and more than 70% has been vaccinated. We had our booster shot about a month ago, so hopefully protected from the worst. Get well soon as we love your work.😷
Oh my God, I'm sorry, I sent you a request for help too, I didn't notice your post, I'm very sorry, I hope you and your family get your lives back peacefully. My family too, 2 years without any problems, then in December we all went home in quarantine, but we came through it well. We look forward to seeing you in better shape than ever, see you soon!
Espero que haya sido leve y os mejoréis pronto. Saludos desde Tenerife