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New Chrono PCB release

Hello everyone,

Since the release of the new Chrono, people have reported problems with their soldering skills and have requested that I pre-build them before sending the PCBs out. This hasn't been possible due to time constraints. I have accepted a few people who messed up badly, and they sent me their units back to fix. But the amount of time this takes has been a real burden. As has fault finding over the internet using messaging, which sometimes, without being able to see the unit, has proved futile.

This is where I decided to get China involved and produce preassembled PCBs in the hope that this would cut down on the emails and questions on my WhatsApp. These PCBs have warm white LEDs fitted, display chips, and assembled hardware. Additionally, to improve the quality, I changed the tactile switches to soft-press ALPS buttons, which feel amazing. The downside is that these boards are more expensive (£24.44) than the bare PCBs (£4.84), but probably not after purchasing all the components individually.

I have now added these to the shop, which can be linked here, and I have already given four out in a Patreon competition.

If you feel you would benefit from these new boards, please check them out. Kind regards, Karl


May 25, 2024

Karl, soldering SMDs LEDs and the max chip will be a challenge for any experienced engineer.

My Dad introduced me to soldering about 55 years ago...when my eyesight was perfect ha ha.

Looking at the chrono PCB I would advise novices to choose an easier project to gain experience.

Maybe you could get units assembled in China by the pcb manufacturer?

Is there room for a DIL max, maybe on the reverse side? DIL is much easier to assemble, but I'm guessing space constraints forced you to have an SMD max.

Sorry to appear negative, my engineering mind is just thinking of solutions that may or may not help.

Best regards


May 26, 2024
Replying to

Hi Paul, If I am understanding your comment correctly, I think you have misread the post. This PCB already comes preassembled with the all the components pre-attached (resistors, leds, chip, switches etc. The only thing you have to solder in yourself are the 7-segment display and the connectors / wires back to the Arduino. Mark.


Kuba :)
May 25, 2024

Amazing Work Karl! Looks lovely as always.


Patreon:        737DIYSIM

YouTube:      Heli Mech

Facebook:    Boeing738v2

Instagram:    737DIYSIM



Postal Address:

Karl & Helen Clarke


Mill Road,



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