(H1 & H10) Throttle Knob
Material: PLA
Colour: White
Support: ON - Touching Build Plate
Nozzle: 0.4mm
Layer height: 0.2mm
Support Pattern: Concentric
Support Density: 10%
Support Z Distance: 0.2mm
Support X/Y Distance: 1.0mm
Adhesion: Skirt
Print Speed: 50mm/s
Infill Speed: 80mm/s
Support Speed: 60mm/s
Initial Layer Speed:15 mm/s
Number of slower layers: 2
Experimental Conical Support: Active
(H5) Detent Cap
Material: PLA
Colour: ANY
Support: OFF
Nozzle: 0.4mm
Layer height: 0.2mm
Support Pattern: Concentric
Support Density: 10%
Support Z Distance: 0.2mm
Support X/Y Distance: 1.0mm
Adhesion: Skirt
Print Speed: 50mm/s
Infill Speed: 80mm/s
Support Speed: 60mm/s
Initial Layer Speed:15 mm/s
Number of slower layers: 2
Experimental Conical Support: Active
(H9 & H16) #1 Stem Bar (Template)
Material: PLA
Colour: ANY (Template Creation)
Support: OFF
Nozzle: 0.4mm
Layer height: 0.2mm
Support Pattern: Concentric
Support Density: 10%
Support Z Distance: 0.2mm
Support X/Y Distance: 1.0mm
Adhesion: Skirt
Print Speed: 50mm/s
Infill Speed: 80mm/s
Support Speed: 60mm/s
Initial Layer Speed:15 mm/s
Number of slower layers: 2
Experimental Conical Support: Active
(S4 & S14) Rev Lock Cap
Material: PLA
Colour: ANY
Support: ON Touching BuildPlate
Nozzle: 0.4mm
Layer height: 0.2mm
Support Pattern: Concentric
Support Density: 10%
Support Z Distance: 0.2mm
Support X/Y Distance: 1.0mm
Adhesion: Skirt
Print Speed: 50mm/s
Infill Speed: 80mm/s
Support Speed: 60mm/s
Initial Layer Speed:15 mm/s
Number of slower layers: 2
Experimental Conical Support: Active
(S8 & S9) Throttle Stem
Material: PLA
Colour: ANY
Support: ON _ TouchingBuildplate
Nozzle: 0.4mm
Layer height: 0.2mm
Support Pattern: Concentric
Support Density: 10%
Support Z Distance: 0.2mm
Support X/Y Distance: 1.0mm
Adhesion: Skirt
Print Speed: 50mm/s
Infill Speed: 80mm/s
Support Speed: 60mm/s
Initial Layer Speed:15 mm/s
Number of slower layers: 2
Experimental Conical Support: Active
(H2 & H11) Top Plates
Material: PLA
Colour: White
Support: OFF
Nozzle: 0.4mm
Layer height: 0.2mm
Support Pattern: Concentric
Support Density: 10%
Support Z Distance: 0.2mm
Support X/Y Distance: 1.0mm
Adhesion: Skirt
Print Speed: 50mm/s
Infill Speed: 80mm/s
Support Speed: 60mm/s
Initial Layer Speed:15 mm/s
Number of slower layers: 2
Experimental Conical Support: Active
(H6 & H14) Spacer Body
Material: PLA
Colour: White
Support: ON - Touching Buildplate
Nozzle: 0.4mm
Layer height: 0.2mm
Support Pattern: Concentric
Support Density: 10%
Support Z Distance: 0.2mm
Support X/Y Distance: 1.0mm
Adhesion: Skirt
Print Speed: 50mm/s
Infill Speed: 80mm/s
Support Speed: 60mm/s
Initial Layer Speed:15 mm/s
Number of slower layers: 2
Experimental Conical Support: Active
(S1 & S10) Bearing Runner
Material: PLA
Colour: ANY
Nozzle: 0.4mm
Layer height: 0.2mm
Support Pattern: Concentric
Support Density: 10%
Support Z Distance: 0.2mm
Support X/Y Distance: 1.0mm
Adhesion: Skirt
Print Speed: 50mm/s
Infill Speed: 80mm/s
Support Speed: 60mm/s
Initial Layer Speed:15 mm/s
Number of slower layers: 2
Experimental Conical Support: Active
(S5 & S13) Rev Lock Actuator Button
Material: PLA
Colour: ANY
Support: ON - Touching Buildplate
Nozzle: 0.4mm
Layer height: 0.2mm
Support Pattern: Concentric
Support Density: 10%
Support Z Distance: 0.2mm
Support X/Y Distance: 1.0mm
Adhesion: Skirt
Print Speed: 50mm/s
Infill Speed: 80mm/s
Support Speed: 60mm/s
Initial Layer Speed:15 mm/s
Number of slower layers: 2
Experimental Conical Support: Active
(C1) LHS Case
Material: PLA
Colour: D.Grey
Support: ON - Everywhere
Nozzle: 0.4mm
Layer height: 0.2mm
Support Pattern: Concentric
Support Density: 10%
Support Z Distance: 0.2mm
Support X/Y Distance: 1.0mm
Adhesion: Skirt
Print Speed: 50mm/s
Infill Speed: 80mm/s
Support Speed: 60mm/s
Initial Layer Speed:15 mm/s
Number of slower layers: 2
Experimental Conical Support: Active
(H3 & H12) Rev Knobs
Material: PLA
Colour: White
Support: OFF
Nozzle: 0.4mm
Layer height: 0.2mm
Support Pattern: Concentric
Support Density: 10%
Support Z Distance: 0.2mm
Support X/Y Distance: 1.0mm
Adhesion: Skirt
Print Speed: 50mm/s
Infill Speed: 80mm/s
Support Speed: 60mm/s
Initial Layer Speed:15 mm/s
Number of slower layers: 2
Experimental Conical Support: Active
(H7 & H15) Back Plate
Material: PLA
Colour: White
Support: OFF
Nozzle: 0.4mm
Layer height: 0.2mm
Support Pattern: Concentric
Support Density: 10%
Support Z Distance: 0.2mm
Support X/Y Distance: 1.0mm
Adhesion: Skirt
Print Speed: 50mm/s
Infill Speed: 80mm/s
Support Speed: 60mm/s
Initial Layer Speed:15 mm/s
Number of slower layers: 2
Experimental Conical Support: Active
(S2 & S12) Rev Spur Gear
Material: PLA
Colour: ANY
Support: ON - Touching Buildplate
Nozzle: 0.4mm
Layer height: 0.2mm
Support Pattern: Concentric
Support Density: 10%
Support Z Distance: 0.2mm
Support X/Y Distance: 1.0mm
Adhesion: Skirt
Print Speed: 50mm/s
Infill Speed: 80mm/s
Support Speed: 60mm/s
Initial Layer Speed:15 mm/s
Number of slower layers: 2
Experimental Conical Support: Active
(S6 & S15) Rev Bellcrank
Material: PLA
Colour: ANY
Support: OFF
Nozzle: 0.4mm
Layer height: 0.2mm
Support Pattern: Concentric
Support Density: 10%
Support Z Distance: 0.2mm
Support X/Y Distance: 1.0mm
Adhesion: Skirt
Print Speed: 50mm/s
Infill Speed: 80mm/s
Support Speed: 60mm/s
Initial Layer Speed:15 mm/s
Number of slower layers: 2
Experimental Conical Support: Active
(C2) Centre Case
Material: PLA
Colour: D.Grey
Support: ON - Touching Buildplate
Nozzle: 0.4mm
Layer height: 0.2mm
Support Pattern: Concentric
Support Density: 10%
Support Z Distance: 0.2mm
Support X/Y Distance: 1.0mm
Adhesion: Skirt
Print Speed: 50mm/s
Infill Speed: 80mm/s
Support Speed: 60mm/s
Initial Layer Speed:15 mm/s
Number of slower layers: 2
Experimental Conical Support: Active
(H4 & H13) Rev Thrust Arm Lever
Material: PLA
Colour: White
Support: ON - Touching BuildPlate
Nozzle: 0.4mm
Layer height: 0.2mm
Support Pattern: Concentric
Support Density: 10%
Support Z Distance: 0.2mm
Support X/Y Distance: 1.0mm
Adhesion: Skirt
Print Speed: 50mm/s
Infill Speed: 80mm/s
Support Speed: 60mm/s
Initial Layer Speed:15 mm/s
Number of slower layers: 2
Experimental Conical Support: Active
(H8) Link Bar (Template)
Material: PLA
Colour: ANY (Template Creation)
Support: OFF
Nozzle: 0.4mm
Layer height: 0.2mm
Support Pattern: Concentric
Support Density: 10%
Support Z Distance: 0.2mm
Support X/Y Distance: 1.0mm
Adhesion: Skirt
Print Speed: 50mm/s
Infill Speed: 80mm/s
Support Speed: 60mm/s
Initial Layer Speed:15 mm/s
Number of slower layers: 2
Experimental Conical Support: Active
(S3) Pot spur gear
Material: PLA
Colour: ANY
Support: OFF
Nozzle: 0.4mm
Layer height: 0.2mm
Support Pattern: Concentric
Support Density: 10%
Support Z Distance: 0.2mm
Support X/Y Distance: 1.0mm
Adhesion: Skirt
Print Speed: 50mm/s
Infill Speed: 80mm/s
Support Speed: 60mm/s
Initial Layer Speed:15 mm/s
Number of slower layers: 2
Experimental Conical Support: Active
(S7 & S16) Rev Lock Rod adapter
Material: PLA
Colour: ANY
Support: Touching BuildPlate
Nozzle: 0.4mm
Layer height: 0.2mm
Support Pattern: Concentric
Support Density: 10%
Support Z Distance: 0.2mm
Support X/Y Distance: 1.0mm
Adhesion: Skirt
Print Speed: 50mm/s
Infill Speed: 80mm/s
Support Speed: 60mm/s
Initial Layer Speed:15 mm/s
Number of slower layers: 2
Experimental Conical Support: Active